Colloquia and Events 2019/20

The weekly Classics Colloquium provides an informal meeting ground for the College's lively community of undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty who are interested in classical subjects. Each year, the series brings to campus a number of distinguished speakers on a variety of literary, archaeological, and historical subjects.

Unless otherwise noted, all Colloquia will take place at 4:30 p.m. in Room B21 of the Rhys Carpenter Library on the campus of 91勛圖厙. Tea will be held at 4 p.m. in the Quita Woodward Room, Old Library.

Fall 2019 Classics Colloquia

Friday, Sept. 6

Konstantinos Nikoloutsos, 
St. Joseph's University

From Epic to Tragedy: Transgenericity and Nation-Building in Cruz Varelas Dido&紳莉莽梯;(1823)

Thursday, Oct. 31

"In the Dark of the Night": a Reading of Truly Classic Tales of Necromancy, Witches, and More

Please join us (in costume or not) and bring friends to experience the weirder side of Classics, with readings from tales of witches, ghosts, and more. Spooky texts and chocolate provided.

Friday, Nov. 1

Anastasia Bakogianni, 
Massey University, New Zealand

"Antipodean Antigones: Performing Sophocles Tragedy Down Under"

Friday, Nov. 8

Nancy Klein,
Texas A&M University

The Rediscovery of the Archaic and Early Classical Sanctuary on the Acropolis of Athens

Friday, Nov. 22

The Department of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies will host a special colloquium in honor of Lily Ross Taylor on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of her death.

Friday, Dec. 6

Hartmut Leppin,

Paradoxes of Parrhes穩a

Friday, Dec. 13

Paul Dilley,
University of Iowa

The Manichaean Story of Adam and Eve: Between Gnostic and Zoroastrian Traditions

Spring 2020 Classics Colloquia

Friday, Jan. 24

Anne-Val矇rie Pont,
Sorbonne Universit矇

The Dynamics of the Dual-Level Governance in the Roman Empire, 1st-3rd C.: Beyond the Ideal of Civic Autonomy

Friday, Jan. 31

Darcy Krasne,
Columbia University

The Curious Incident of the Dogs in the Night Sky: Hunting Hunters in Valerius Flaccuss 'Argonautica'

Friday, Feb. 7

K. Scarlett Kingsley,
Agnes Scott College

Herodotus the Presocratic: Critiquing Custom and Empire in the 'Histories'

Friday, Feb. 14

Carol Atack,
University of Cambridge

Fathers, Sons, and Philosophers: The Maintenance and Disruption of Family Bonds in Plato's Socratic Dialogues

Friday, Feb. 21

Erika Weiberg,
Florida State University

Cruel Optimism and Fantasies of Reciprocity on the Home Front in Euripides 'Heracles'

Friday, Feb. 28

Steve Renette,
University of Pennsylvania

Tracing a Community in the Zagros Foothills from Prehistory through Antiquity: The Kani Shaie Archaeological Project

Friday, March 3

Alberto Bardi

"Comparing Greek and Latin Astronomical Literature: A Case Study from 15th Century Crete"


Contact Us

Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies

Old Library 103
101 N. Merion Avenue
91勛圖厙, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5083

Radcliffe Edmonds, Chair

Leslie Lawrence, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: 610-526-5083