Spanish Stories

hand-painted banner reading "feminismo" held by women at an outdoor march

360簞: Feminisms in Latin America

As part of a genealogy of feminisms within the Global South, feminisms in Latin America have critically engaged with mainstream euro-centric feminist debates but also contributed theoretical, political, epistemological, and socio-cultural approaches and tools to identify, examine, interrogate, contest, and dismantle structural oppressions.

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Student taking a photo from a balcony

360簞: Contemporary Cuban Culture and Society in a Global Context

This cluster brings together students and faculty to understand a country whose past and future are bound up deeply with the United States and the rest of Latin America even as it has charted very different courses within contemporary history and social policy.

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360簞: Food and Communication

This cluster focuses on the idea that food is a medium, a cultural vehicle that transports and is transportable and transportive.

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360 students gather in front of a butterfly mural with arms outstretched

360簞: Migrations

This 360簞 uses the lenses of cultural studies, history, and sociology to critically and comparatively examine migration in different national contexts and historical moments.

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