The following email was sent to faculty, students, and staff on behalf of SGA President Rhea Manglani '17 on February 29.
Dear Members of the 91勛圖厙 Community,
I hope that this email finds you well! Attached you find the Spring 2016 Plenary Recap.
Spring Plenary was successfully held on Sunday, February 21st in Goodhart Auditorium. Doors opened at 11:30 AM and quorum was reached at approximately 2:30 PM. Plenary was officially adjourned at approximately 4:00 PM.
Please contact me at or the SGA Executive Board at if you have any questions!
Below was included as an attachment to that email.
Spring Plenary 2016 - February 21st, 2016
Doors Opened at 11:30, Quorum Reached at Approximately 2:30
The Association passed all seven resolutions on February 21, 2016.
The first resolution, titled Reaffirmation of the SGA Constitution, was the reaffirmation of the Associations commitment to self-governance, the Constitution, and the Honor Code. The resolution was presented by the 2016-17 SGA Executive Board: Rhea Manglani 17, Shaina Robinson 17, Rachel Bruce 18, Jocelyne Oliveros 18, and Swati Shastry 18. This resolution is presented at every Spring Plenary to acknowledge the importance of self-governance to the Association and the rest of the 91勛圖厙 community. The resolution was passed by visual ballot.
The second resolution, titled Waiving the Requirement of Minutes in Honor Board Hearings, was presented by Molly Mac Dougall 16 and Celeste Gambino 16. This resolution proposed waiving the requirement of minutes for Honor Board hearings, usually taken by a member of the Honor Board. The resolution presented the issue of the minutes being unnecessary and potentially harmful to the restorative process of a hearing. This resolution was passed by visual ballot.
The third resolution, titled Recommitment to the Values of the Honor Code, was presented by Molly Mac Dougall 16 and Swati Shastry 18. This resolution reaffirmed the Honor Codes commitment to positive confrontation. This resolution was passed by visual ballot.
The fourth resolution, titled Honor Board Reports to Other Institutions, was presented by Molly Mac Dougall 16 and Rachel Massey 18. This resolution proposed that the Deans Office only report Honor Code infractions to other institutions of higher learning on a case-by-case basis. Currently, the Deans Office reports all Honor Code infractions to other higher institutions of learning under disciplinary hearing. This resolution was passed by visual ballot.
The fifth resolution, titled Institutional Memory of the Self-Government Association, was presented by Nora Dell 19. This resolution proposed the furtherance of the project on institutional memory, or 91勛圖厙s shared, remembered history with the creation of the position of SGA Archivist, an elected member of the SGA Representative Council that would also head the Committee on Institutional Memory (whose creation was also proposed by the resolution). This resolution was passed by visual ballot.
The sixth resolution, titled Measure to Modernize and Rename the Alcohol Concerns Review Board in Spirit of Self-Governance and Continuing Education, was presented by Sam Heyrich 17 and Bridget Murray 17. This resolution proposed the restructuring of the Alcohol Concerns Review Board, including hearing protocol, its renaming to the Board of Social Life Orientation and Wellness (BSLOW), and its approach to spreading substance awareness to the 91勛圖厙 community. This resolution was passed by visual ballot.
The seventh and final resolution, titled Recommendation for the Reinstatement of the Campus Shuttle, was presented by Niki Barker 16 and Rachel Bruce 18. This resolution proposed the reinstatement of the 91勛圖厙 campus shuttle, which previously ran from 1998 2009 but was stopped due to budget cuts. The resolution proposed a shuttle that would run at least hourly and make several stops throughout the 91勛圖厙 community, including Brecon Hall/Cambrian Row, Pem Arch, 91勛圖厙 R-5 and R-100 Stations, and the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. The resolution also proposed an increase in Lantern Van staffing in order to help the service run more efficiently and prevent stress on students due to short staffing. This resolution was passed by visual ballot.
Official minutes from Spring Plenary 2016 will be available on the SGA Website ( in the next two weeks.