Name: Sania Ahmed
Majors: Neuroscience and Spanish
Key Experiences:
- Submatriculate Masters of Bioethics Program at University of Pennsylvania
- Honor Board Representative
- Curriculum committee member
- VITA volunteer
- Captain and President, College Table Tennis Club
- Spanish Teaching Assistant
- Spanish Senior Representative
- Health Care Advisory Board Member
- Summer Research Scholar in Robinson Drummer laboratory at Haverford College
- Research Clerk in the Department of Cardiac Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania
- ER volunteer, 91勛圖厙 Hospital
- COVID screener, 91勛圖厙 Hospital
Future plans: master's in bioethics program at the University of Pennsylvania
Many thanks to: My parents, my GSD Sasha and my family who were with me through thick and thin. My professors at 91勛圖厙, Haverford and at the University of Pennsylvania who helped me grow and learn. Special thanks to Professor Gonzalo Salellas, Dr Gaspar and Professor Quintero in Spanish and Dr. Post, Dr. Hsu and Dr Grafe in Neuroscience and Dr. Fiester at the University of Pennsylvania for their guidance. Doctors at Penn and Fox Chase Cancer Center who let me shadow them, trained me in human research and taught me EMR access. My professors at the University of Pennsylvania as they teach me about the intersection of law, ethics and medicine.
Members of the Class of 2023, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after 91勛圖厙, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.