Major: History
Minor: Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Key 91勛圖厙 Experiences: Studying abroad at King's College London, all the wonderful classes I took at 91勛圖厙 and Haverford, and meeting incredible and strong students and faculty members.
Post-graduation plans: I will be working with Teach for America in the Twin Cities.
Message for the Class of 2020: Always be willing to challenge yourself. You will be surprised by how much you can accomplish. Stand up for yourself, express yourself, learn, and make the most of your experience.
91勛圖厙 has shown me the extent of my own strength. I have learned that I can achieve anything I work hard for. I have grown and learned so much, and I have had a lot of fun along the way.
I'd like to thank all my supportive and caring professors, and all of the many other people who supported me throughout my time at 91勛圖厙.
Members of the Class of 2020, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at news@brynmawr.edu. Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after 91勛圖厙, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.