Post graduation plans: Attending the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.
Elizabeth on her 91勛圖厙 experience: I have gained so much knowledge throughout my four years at 91勛圖厙. I have achieved more than I ever thought was imaginable thanks to the incredible professors, intimate class sizes, and the rigorous course requirements. I am proud to call myself a Mawrter. Anassa kata, 91勛圖厙!
Major: Biology
Key 91勛圖厙 experiences:
Customs Person for 2015-16
Work in Erdman Dining Hall for four years
Co-Leader of the Pre-Dental Group 2016-17
Study Abroad in Granada, Spain, in spring 2017
Members of the Class of 2018, we want to know what you've got planned for life after 91勛圖厙! Drop us a note at You can include a photo of yourself or let us know if you'd like to have a photo taken. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels in the weeks leading up to Commencement.