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Professor of Chemistry Sharon Burgmayer continues to break new ground in Molybdenum research.
Professor of Chemistry Michelle Francl published Atomic Women, in Nature Chemistry.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry Yan Kungs research lab published the article Structural features and domain movements controlling substrate binding and cofactor specificity in class II HMG-CoA reductase, in issue 57 of Biochemistry. Professor Kungs chapter was included in The Biological Chemistry of Nickel, edited by Deborah Zamble, Magdalena Rowiska-驍yrek, Henryk Kozlowski.
Professor of Chemistry Bill Malachowski published Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase and Its Therapeutic Inhibition in Cancer, in the International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology; Discovery of IDO1 Inhibitors: From Bench to Bedside, in Cancer Research; and Catalytic Enantioselective BirchHeck Sequence for the Synthesis of Tricyclic Structures with All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenters, in Organic Letters.
Chair and Professor of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies Catherine Conybeare published her chapter mundus totus exsilium est: On Being Out of Place in Reading Late Antiquity, edited by Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed and Mats Malm. Professor Conybeare also delivered four papers this spring: Heresy and Apotheosis from Agamben to Prudentius (Origins and Original Moments: Fordham University); Parsing Augustine: the Collatio cum Maximino ( Fide non Ficta: a conference in memory of Paul B. Harvey, Jr.: Penn State University); Augustines Marginalia Contra Iulianum (The Late [Wild] Augustine: University of California at Berkeley); and a response for Philologys Shadow II: panel at Society for Classical Studies: Boston. In July, Professor Conybeare and colleague Simon Goldhill will lead a workshop in Cambridge on the subject of Philologys Shadow. Participants from Cambridge, Oxford, Berkeley, Yale, Toronto, and the University of British Columbia will attend and their resultant essays will be published as a book.
Professor of Greek, Latin, and Classical studies Radcliffe Edmonds has been working on a number of forthcoming projects, including online entries for the Oxford Classical Dictionary on Underworld and Magic, an article for the Oxford Handbook of Hesiod, and his article, Deviant Origins: Hesiods Theogony and the Orphica to be published this summer. Professor Edmonds has finished revising the manuscript of his book Drawing Down the Moon: Magic in the Ancient Greco-Roman World, which is scheduled to appear in January 2019. This summer, Professor Edmonds will present his paper "First-Born of Night or Oozing from the Slime? Deviant Origins in Orphic Cosmogonies at Between Dusk and Dawn: Valuing Night in Classical Antiquity, this years Penn-Leiden Colloquium On Ancient Values which will take place at the University Of Pennsylvania, June 1416, 2018 and at Ex arches: looking back at the myths of origin at the Ohio State University, September 13-15, 2018. His recent volume Plato and the Power of Images, co-edited with Pierre Destr矇e (Universit矇 catholique de Louvain), was released in late 2017 and published by Brill.
Visiting Assistant Professor Charlie Kuper was awarded a through the Society for Classical Studies. He has also accepted a Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) Fellowship for study at Cambridge University for the summer.
History of Art
Katherine E. McBride Professor of History of Art Christiane Hertel published the chapter August Schmarsow's Theory of Ornament, in Ornament and European Modernism, edited by Loretta Vandi.
Assistant Professor of History of Art Sylvia W. Houghteling published The Emperor's Humbler Clothes: Textures of Courtly Dress in Seventeenth-century South Asia, in Ars Orientalis.
Professor of History of Art and Eugenia Chase Guild Chair in the Humanities Homay King was awarded by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies for her book Virtual Memory: Time-based Art and the Dream of Digitality. This April, Professor King published an exhibition catalog essay titled Myth for an Age of Lies and Marble for an Age of Walls, in , edited by Alex Klein and Milena H繪gsberg. She presented a conference talk titled Anna May Wong and the Color-Image, at the College Art Association annual meeting in Los Angeles, CA in February, and at Documentary After Farocki, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA and at the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present, Oakland, CA last fall. A video interview with Professor King will be included in the forthcoming in July 2018.
Associate Professor of History of Art Alicia Walker published The Bereyozovo Cup: A Byzantine Object at the Crossroads of Twelfth-Century Eurasia, in The Medieval Globe.
Professor Emeritus of Physics Peter A. Beckmann published a note on Methyl and t-butyl group rotation in van der Waals solids, in the Journal of Chemical Physics.
Assistant Professor of Physics Kathryne Daniel published Constraints on radial migration in spiral galaxies II. Angular momentum distribution and preferential migration, in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Assistant Professor of Physics David A. Schaffner published Magnetothermodynamics: measurements of the thermodynamic properties in a relaxed magnetohydrodynamic plasma, in the Journal of Plasma Physics and Measuring the equations of state in a relaxed magnetohydrodynamic plasma, in Physical Review E.
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