Truthtelling: Stories, Fables, Glimpses
by Lynne Sharon Schwartz, M.A. 61, reflects on small but revealing moments. The title story focuses on an old married couple who confess their secrets to each other. Set in and just outside New York City, this quintessential Schwartz story begins with ordinary characters in a familiar situation, then tension and complexity slowly build toward a surprising insight for the reader, if not the character. Among the best are those featuring characters puzzled by their own behavior, such as a moviegoer who keeps the pair of shoes she finds under her seat and a stranded motorist who steals a Buddha figurine from the house where he takes shelter. (Delphinium, 2020)
A grab bag of realist and experimental stories, each one a treasure名ise, wry, and wittytheses stories in all their stylistic variations are perfect. Kirkus Reviews, starred review
Lynne Sharon Schwartz is a celebrated author of novels, poems, short fiction, translations from Italian, and criticism. Her short fiction has appeared in the Best American Short Stories annual anthology series several times. Schwartz lives in New York City, and is currently a faculty member of the Bennington Writing Seminars.